Summer Movie Mondays: James Bond and the Walther PPK

Summer Movie Mondays cover photo. The Walther PPK as seen in James Bond

You’ve got the black fitted suit, the bow tie, and the martini (shaken, not stirred, of course). Your whole James Bond look is ready, except for one crucial item. One that, throughout the years of Bond films, has become essential to the character: the Walther PPK

Why the PPK?

Though the PPK is famous for serving as Bond’s weapon of choice in many of the books and movies, it didn’t always hold this level of significance for the character.

The creator of the James Bond books and movies, Ian Fleming, had originally given Bond a Beretta pistol as his weapon of choice. However, upon the advice of British firearms specialist, Geoffrey Boothroyd, Fleming swapped Bond’s primary weapon to the Walther PPK. The change was made in the 1958 novel, “Dr. No,” with additional books and movies from the series featuring 007 carrying the pistol. Though Bond accepted the PPK with some reluctance, the gun quickly became known for its association with him.

While other Walther pistols were used by Bond throughout the franchise, Daniel Craig picked the PPK back up when he took on the role in “Casino Royale” and has continued to use it since. The iconic pistol is carried by the classy agent from MI6 as he saves the day, time after time. This is why the iconic Walther PPK has maintained its popularity for decades.

History of the Walther PPK

Created almost 100 years ago by German firearms company Walther, the PPK inspired an entirely new category in the firearm industry. It created a new pocket pistol that delivered power and performance in a small, concealable handgun. Boasting a double-action function and chambered in .380 ACP, the Walther PPK provides all the power and speed needed for self-defense. 

The design of the PPK stems from the original PP model. It was designed for police use and saw its primary use by police forces in Europe starting in the 1930s. This is a semi-automatic pistol operated using a simple blowback action. The PP was designed with several safety features, many of them innovative, including an automatic hammer block, a combination safety/decocker, and a loaded chamber indicator. The PPK Walther was later introduced as a pocket version of the PP pistol in 1931. 

The PPK is a revolutionary concept that took all the modern advancements available at the time and combined them into one performance-leading pistol. Few guns have withstood the test of time like this handgun. To this day, it is still a highly sought-after concealed carry pistol. This is no doubt in part to the lasting legacy from James Bond. To see a list of all movies and TV shows the PPK was featured in, check out this page from the Internet Movie Firearms Database.

The Walther PPK at GrabAGun

If you want to feel like an agent from MI6 like the infamous Bond, you don’t have to look very hard. We have a great lineup of these Walther PPK pistols at GrabAGun

Walther PPK

Walther PPK 380 ACP 6 rounds black

This standard PPK is the gun that 007 carried in so many of his missions. It’s chambered in .380 ACP with a 6-round capacity. It features a solid steel construction with synthetic checkered grips, providing a sturdy pistol that you can rely on in self-defense situations, just like Bond! This Walther PPK 380 is also available in stainless steel

Caliber: .380 ACP Capacity: 6+1 Action: DA/SA
Barrel Length: 3.30” OAL: 6.1” Weight: 19oz

Walther PPK/S

Extremely similar to the standard PPK, Walther also makes the PPK/S pistol. This pistol is available in .380 ACP as well as .22LR, and provides a longer grip. This is good for those that like the design of the PPK but want added capacity or have slightly larger hands. Additionally, the .22LR options provide less recoil which can be good for shooters desiring less recoil or those wanting to plink for fun.

Caliber: .22LR Capacity: 10+1 Action: DA/SA
Barrel Length: 3.30” OAL: 6.1” Weight: 20oz

So then, whether you want a standard Walther PPK in .380 ACP or the Walther PPK/S, we’ve got what you need to feel like the legendary James Bond! With a variety of finishes, calibers, and capacities available, you can get the Walther pistol that’s right for you! 

We hope you enjoyed reading this first Summer Movie Monday blog, where we cover legendary firearms in movies! We’ll be trying to cover firearms in films weekly. Continue to check back every Monday for a new blog through the end of this summer!

Thanks for reading!

-Kellie Krevosky and Matthew Cornell


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