Dove Hunting Gear: the Shotguns, Ammo, and Accessories You Need

Dove Hunting Gear: the Shotguns, Ammo, and Accessories You Need

Dove Season is right around the corner! As we get to the end of summer and move into the beginning of dove hunting season, it is important to get make sure you have all the dove hunting gear you’ll need. In this blog, we’re going to go over some of the dove hunting gear you need to make this season a successful one!

Picking The Perfect Gun

If you ask hunters what their ideal dove hunting shotgun is, you’ll receive a lot of different answers. And while this might not be the most helpful, it demonstrates that there are a lot of good options for dove hunting shotguns. So when trying to find the gun for you, there are a few things to consider.

The Type of Shotgun

First, if you’ve shot before, consider your preference of a shotgun. You may like over-under shotguns, double barrel shotguns, semi-automatic shotguns, or pump-action shotguns and want to go with one of those. While pump shotguns often provide shooters with a more affordable option, semi-auto shotguns may make it easier to take quick follow-up shots when need be. These are all things to consider based on budget and skill.

Choosing a Gauge

Most shotguns will be either 12 or 20 gauge, but many dove hunters prefer 12 gauge. A 12 gauge shotgun delivers bigger and denser shot patterns because the shell can hold more shot. They also deliver versatility, with a 12 gauge allowing you to hunt bigger game in addition to doves. The 12 gauge shotgun has a great variety of uses compared to the 20 gauge.

While 20 gauge shotguns don’t deliver as much versatility, there are some benefits worth noting. They can easily take down doves as well as quail and ducks, which is the application we’re looking at here. Additionally, as you may know, 20 gauge shotguns also deliver less recoil than the larger 12 gauge, making them a great choice if recoil is a concern. Plus it is important to think about what you shoot. Are you more of a bird-only hunter? If so, then the 20 gauge will be great for you!

The Best Dove Hunting Shotguns

The great thing about most shotguns is that they usually have a 12 or 20 gauge version. Whether you want 12 gauge or 20 gauge, you can look for any of your favorite brands to find the best shotgun for you.

The Mossberg 500 All-Purpose Field Shotgun 12 GA

The Mossberg 500 All-Purpose Field Shotgun 12 gauge

One of the best shotguns for any dove hunter is the Mossberg 500 All Purpose Field 12 Gauge Shotgun. The Mossberg 500 shotgun has been seen as a classic by most hunters for many years, delivering reliable performance and taking down lots of game over the years. Additionally, we have the Mossberg 500 All Purpose Field 20 Gauge Shotgun for those that want a 20 gauge version.

The CZ Readhead Premier Over-Under 12 GA

A great choice for those who prefer an over-under shotgun is this CZ Readhead Premier shotgun. It also delivers a quality finish that’s inspired by classic shotguns, allowing you to experience a vintage look and feel at an affordable price

The Beretta A400 XPLOR 20 GA Shotgun

Beretta A400 XPLOR 20 gauge Shotgun

Beretta A400 XPLOR Action 20 Gauge shotgun is well suited for a variety of hunting and target shooting tasks. This Beretta shotgun is light and trim, making the it a great choice for a high-quality shotgun

Browse Shotguns for Sale Online at GrabAGun!

The Best Dove Hunting Ammo 

When it comes to choosing shotgun ammo for a dove hunting trip, we understand you want the best, along with a wide variety of options. Most hunters use 2.75-inch dove and field loads that are cost effective and consistent. There are many options you can choose from through GrabAGun! 

Sizing and Dove Ammo Load

For any new dove hunters out there, we would recommend using 2.75″ shotshells loaded with 7 ½ or #8 shot. These sizes will provide a uniform shot pattern and plenty of pellets downrange. These shot sizes offer a dense pattern, which is perfect for agile birds like doves. 

Doves aren’t necessarily the hardest bird to take down, but they are fast and unpredictable. Using the ideal shotgun shells for dove hunting can enhance the performance of your shotgun and provide the best results in the field. Options like the Fiocchi Field Dynamics High Velocity 12 Gauge , the Fiocchi Field Dynamics High Velocity 20 gauge loads, and the Winchester 20 gauge rounds are great examples of this. They provide optimal performance and come in a variety of gauges and loads, making it easy to find exactly what you need.

While there are more sizes of shot, you’ll find that experienced hunters usually stick with the 7 ½ or 8 shot for dove. Experiment for yourself with Remington 12 gauge ammo or 20 gauge ammo for sale to find what works best for you. Regardless, it is important to have several boxes of ammo with you in a variety of options since your environment can change. 

Browse Shotgun Shells for Sale Online at GrabAGun.

Dove Season Accessories

One thing experienced shooters can tell you is that conditions are always changing. You may find yourself moving around a few times just to get a decent shot. That’s why, as part of your dove hunting essentials, it’s necessary to have the correct gear, choke tubes, and decoys to get the most out of your hunt. 

Every dove hunter wants to make sure they have a sturdy chair for hours of sitting out in the field. We have a great list of hunting chairs that are all lightweight, but heavy-duty and waterproof. These chairs come in a variety of colors and some have great storage space to make sure you make the most of your hunting area. For more storage you can also get shell pouches, bird hunting vests, or coolers for a fun and easy hunt. Need a way to bring the dove to you? We also have great dove decoys that move and act just like a real dove to catch the attention of passing birds. Whether the birds are flying high or coming to decoys, GrabAGun has a huge selection of choke tubes for the distances you need to shoot.

Dove Hunting Gear at GrabAGun

Dove hunting is an incredibly fun and rewarding experience. New hunters that want to have a successful season need to make sure they have everything ready to go. Luckily, we can help you out with all the gear you need! So remember, whenever you’re looking for a new firearm or firearm accessory, check out GrabAGun!

–Destinee Norman


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